Saturday, 2 February 2013

As I sit down to write this we have ONLY 70 days to go before the Wells Premiere! That certainly focuses the mind and the pace is hotting up. I hope you enjoy catching up here on how the project is moving forward. We have had press coverage in the Western Gazette (featuring me) and the Wells Journal (featuring Jonathan) so far, and Somerset Life's March issue will be featuring Marta. 

We have a 'Stop Press' box on the Home page of our website ( for news that happens between newsletters. I can't believe that the next newsletter is likely to be the last one before the performance.

TICKETS can now be bought direct from the Wells Cathedral Box Office (T: 01749 672773), from Ticketmaster or through the link on our website. Included in the ticket is the opportunity to meet the soloists and other performances over a drink after the event.
Best wishes,


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